Writing a case study paper
Which Topic Or Issue Would Be Most Appropriate For A Four- To Five-Page Research Paper
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Potter Five Forces Analysis Of NYC Chauffeurs VIP Assignment
Potter Five Forces Analysis Of NYC Chauffeurs VIP - Assignment Example Regardless of the key administration process created by the association the board strategy and objectives, the achievement of the organization was restricted due to the current rivalry particularly from new organizations putting resources into the chauffer business. The presentation of new administrations by contenders and new undertakings in the following years will influence the income of the organization. The observation that the organization will have the option to swim the tempest on account of its past development record is unwarranted in light of the expanding rivalry and the expansion influencing the shoppers. There are a few contenders who will influence the income assortment of the organization. The principle rivals in the market incorporate the iDriveYourCar.com and the chauffernewyork administrations. The iDriveyourcar.com offers rental administrations for vehicles without offering drivers if the purchaser just needs the vehicle. The contribution of adaptability in vehicl e enlist expands the opposition for the organization due to assortment and decent variety. Dangers from substitutes There are a few substitutes to the item run gave by the organization. The items are from contenders, for example, city taxi administrations and transports which offer less expensive administrations to the purchaser. Most recent changes in the vehicle division and presence of other piece of the overall industry pioneers, for example, MTA Company and different organizations acquaint substitute with the vehicle framework offer by the VIP limo administration. The organization is confronted with a genuine test from financially savvy administration conveyance organizations which don't offer very good quality items, for example, the limo yet have concentrated on less expensive options, for example, transport. These organizations offer substitute administrations that represent a genuine test for the NYC Chauffeurs VIP organization. The substitute administrations are practical and promptly open therefore a danger to the development and extension of the NYC Chauffeurs VIP organization. Rivalry The driver business has a few organizations particularly in New York. These organizations incorporate New York Chauffeur, Chauffeured Services and Chauffeur New York. These are the principle wellspring of rivalry. Solid rivalry is from Chauffeured Service and iDriveyour Car.com. Chauffeured administrations have been in the market for more than multi decade causing it to have faithful clients and brand nearness and solid brand picture. Different organizations are likewise wandering on Limousine industry have created vital designs to build the piece of the pie of their separate organizations. Rivalry for the organizations is firm and any postponement or drop in the degree of administration conveyance will prompt genuine loss of income. The opposition has been moved into the web based life advertising. The utilization of internet based life stage has empowered input assortment and administration improvement. Nonetheless, web based life has likewise prompted genuine rivalry between the organizations. Purchaser power This is an outside factor. The quantity of clients ready to purchase the item or administration is subject to their pay, which is influenced by expansion and other monetary components. These variables influence the level and nature of administration that the client will require from the organization. During the budgetary emergency, the administration volume mentioned by the clients changed essentially bringing about the drop in income assortment. Value contrasts and change can constrain the organization income to decay
Friday, August 21, 2020
Introduction of television to Australia in 1956 Essay
Acquaintance of TV with Australia in 1956 - Essay Example Somewhere in the range of 1953 and 1954, the regal commission was set up to deal with various issues, for example, to give a satisfactory report on the absolute number of the business TV channels that could be set up and worked viably in the entire country. It was additionally assume to give an unmistakable diagram on the principles required in various projects with the goal that the TV broadcasting could be utilized in a fitting way for the open intrigue. In Australia, the TV was new and everything that occurred on it was likewise new. The greater part of the principal shows that occurred in the Australian TV were for the most part from various radio shows. Among the early communicates were; various occasions on sports, news concerning the flow undertakings, game shows and other various shows which had been procured from abroad (Allen and Hill, 2004 p. 56). At the point when TV was first presented, hardly any people had TVs when contrasted with the present circumstance. Henceforth, most people would assemble in better places such companions or family member’s homes who possessed TVs to watch news and different projects. Sometimes, people would even accumulate in avenues so as to watch TVs from various stores. The new innovation picked up prevalence inside a brief period. The change was felt by other distinctive business in Australia inside the main year of TV propelling. Most people in the nation selected to remain inside at night to sit in front of the TV as opposed to associating with companions. Films situated in various pieces of the nation must be shut and in the vehicle part, a few cabs administrators acknowledged the vast majority were done utilizing their administrations. The way of life of Australians was changed fundamentally in only one year. In Australia the exploration on TV history is seen as being lacking when contrasted with that the film and the radio. Prior to the foundation of the TV in Sydney and Melbourne in 1956, critical discussio n concerning the television’s social qualities and abilities had been led. This discussion had incredible effect on the nature and the administrative structure of activity of the Australian TV. A few contentions which occurred obviously depicted various mentalities which despite everything stay in the country’s open discussion today. The open conversations of TV for the most part centered around the fitting types of possession and control, and the conceivable TV ethics and indecencies (Andrews and Curtis, 1998 p.43). Lion's share of the people, who participated in the conversation concerning the TV and the fate of the new innovation in Australia, had not gotten an opportunity to see it. Distinctive social bodies, open intrigue gatherings and those with business intrigue took part effectively in characterizing the TV framework. The primary issue in the discussion was whether the TV administrations ought to be presented in Australia; regardless of whether the TV framewor k ought to be possessed openly or secretly or both; the level of government offices control on the exclusive framework; and whether the Australian-made TV material would be agreed insurance against the imported material. The greater part of the discussed issues concerning proprietorship control and guideline concentrated for the most part on the social inquiries. The administration thought of the TV presentation was first directed with the joint parliamentary advisory group who were designated by the Menzies government. The report of the panel was critical particularly for the open guideline of the media. The panel managed the observers of things to come TV, among these was observers from the electronic gear makers. They additionally heard different perspectives from the radio telecom and the Postmaster
Monday, June 1, 2020
We Have a Right to Die With Dignity - Free Essay Example
A very controversial topic discussed in recent years is physician assisted suicide. The discussion is if it the patient actually has the right to die with the assistance of a physician. Many of the people who oppose physician assisted suicide have arguments based off of religious, moral, and ethical standards. Those who support physician assisted suicide have beliefs that it ends suffering of those who are already dying and they respect ones choice of death. Even physicians are split on this topic, they argue what is the difference between killing and assisted suicide. Physician Assisted suicide is the voluntary termination of ones own life by administration of a lethal substance with the direct assistance of a physician. Physician-assisted suicide is the practice of providing a competent patient with a prescription for medication for the patient to use with the primary intention of ending his or her own life. For me the main concern with assisted suicide lies with the capability of the terminally ill. Many who are in their last stages of life have begged for a physicians help to end their life. These people who are literally begging to be killed are in suffering a great deal and they believe the only way to end their pain is to kill themselves. When some view this belief some see it in a positive manner and the others see it in a negative manner. For the positives they see it as ending ones suffering, from a diseases or condition without pain. For the negatives, however, assisted suicide is the direct murder of someone. After researching both sides of the topic, I believe that terminally ill patients with the mental capacity to understand what they are doing should be given the right to physician assisted suicide. I believe this because assisted suicide gives terminally ill patients the chance to end their suffering when they want, have a better quality of life, supports free will, is accepted by ethical beliefs and has some benefits. Terminally ill patients are going to end up dying. We have machines that will pump your heart for you and continue to circulate your blood but, as far as technology has come today, no technology will end up saving the terminally ill. No technology will be able save them from the pain they go through and nothing will help relieve the immense amount of pain that these patients experience. As the days go the technology/medicine that is keeping them alive becomes a nuisance. The terminally ill patients lives become worsened and they may even start losing their mental capacity. What type of world is it to live in where everyday another piece of you goes and you get closer to death. Many terminally ill patients dont want to live in a world where they are not able to be themselves and ask their physicians to help end their suffering. Many would rather dictate their terms of when and how they go. They would rather be remembered for someone they were than someone they may become. They rather die being self reliant than dependent on someone else. We should respect their choice and this procedure should be just like any other, one self decides. For example, Charlie and Francie Emerick who suffered from prostate cancer, parkinsons, and heart attacks went through immense amount of pain and asked their physician to end their lives. They were given the euthanasia and passed away together holding hands. Their wish was fulfilled and they dictated the terms of their death and when to end their suffering. Another example is David Goodall, he was 104 and experiencing a number amount of disorders, he was in much pain and on his birthday said he was not happy to be alive. He had to travel to the Netherlands to end his life. He played the music he enjoyed, ate his favorite food, went sightseeing, and was surrounded by the ones who loved him the most. Again his mental and physical being were deteriorating and he dictated when and how he wanted to go. Why should we be able to decide ho w someone wants to live or die. Stephen Hawking stated We dont let animals suffer, so why humans?. If they are in so much pain that they would rather die, we should listen and help these people end their suffering. There are many times where technology is not enough and the pain is too much to handle. Without physician assisted suicide we are just prolonging the suffering of a terminally ill patient and these are one of the reasons physician assisted suicide for the terminally ill must be legalized. As mentioned before the quality of life is very important in this debate about physician assisted suicide. Many of the people who would and do request assisted suicide have a disorder which will make them someone who they are not. They will not be able to act the same or understand what is happening to them. They will lose all mental functions and will be suffering without understanding. This would be just as bad as any physical pain. Michelangelo once said one points with the brain not the hand. This shows that the brain is the most important thing in the body and with an ill fit brain it is hard to live. Brittany Maynard a patient with stage four Glioblastoma multiforme said Ive discussed with many experts how I would die from it, and its a terrible, terrible way to die. Being able to choose to go with dignity is my greatest hope. This statement shows the thought process of many terminally ill patients. They would rather be remembered and go as who they are than someone they might become. Many do not want to be remembered as those who went through a great deal of suffering and were not themselves but remembered as someone who had dignity. Many terminally ill patients who request assisted suicide lost hope that they will ever be able to recover from their illness, and what type of world is it to live in without having something to look forward too. Without hope the brain will become depressed and the patients state of mind will deteriorate. Many terminally ill lose their hope to live and consider themselves useless and burdensomes. No person should ever get to this point and should be give the option leaves this world before it comes to that point. Also many terminally ill patients become recipients of anxiety, from the expensive fees and regret from the family taking care of them. A competent terminally ill patient understands that all of the costs for the hospital will fall on their family and this makes them sad and depressed. According to healthline.org a month at the hospital ranges anywhere from 2,000-10,000 dollars. Many families do not have the funds to cover this cost and will be sent into financial ruin. This cost not only creates anxiety for the terminally ill but also ruins the quality of life for the terminally ill family. If the terminally ill had the option of physician assisted suicide they can help guarantee a better quality of life for them and their family. The right to assisted suicide is also part of our basic rights. Every American has the individual right to make decisions about their own life. When one who is terminally ill, fully understands what they are doing and asks the doctor to help them with suicide the doctor should support them. This is supported by the American Constitution: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property . Every person that is a citizen of America has the right of free will provided by the constitution. The right to free will includes the right to physician assisted suicide. We are the controllers of our own destiny and fate, and the right to physician assisted suicide allows us to be the full controllers of life. Just to have the option would make people feel better. This is proven by surveys taken in Oregon, one of the few states in America to have physician a ssisted suicide legal. Just the option of assisted suicide makes people feel like they can take every possible route and take time to decide what they really want. Allowing patients the ability to choose physician assisted suicide is shown in a widely set of common ethical principles. The first ethical principle allowing people the right to physician assisted suicide, is respect of autonomy and self-determination. This principle compels us to respect the right of individuals to make their own decisions about their own lives, even their decision on death. The second ethical principle is compassion for our fellow citizens. Patients which are terminally ill will endure an immense amount of pain both mental and physical. The pain the patients experience is unnecessary and can be prevented with physician assisted suicide. Henceforth, making these patients, our fellow citizens, go through this unnecessary suffering is cruel not compassionate. The right to assisted suicide also does not just help the terminally ill patient but can also help many others. It helps the patient leave their problems. Assisted suicide helps the family recover from a tragedy and continue moving on with society. The family will be allowed to say their goodbyes and a not have to see their loved one be in pain. For example, David Goodall, the 104 year old, was in much pain, but before he preformed assisted suicide, he said goodbye to all his family and friends. In the operation room he was surrounded by his immediate family and this in a sort of way is closure for the family. They got to say what they wanted and saw him in his last moments in the world. The procedure of physician assisted suicide may also help complete strangers. For example, there was a 44 year old woman whose brain stem was damaged, she was completely paralyzed and could only communicate by blinking. She was living off machines. She determined this was no way for her to live and a sked for physician assisted suicide. She also made a request before she died and that was for her organs be donated after she passed away. Her request was fulfilled and both her kidneys and liver were harvested and donated to people in need. Today three people lives were changed because of her choice to end her meaningless life and donate her organs. The possibilities could be endless to how many other people lifes could be changed by terminally ill patients ending their life. Organs can be donated to save other peoples lives and allows the family of the terminally ill to say their final goodbyes and closure. People who oppose physician assisted suicide believe the terminally ill do not have the right to end their suffering, have a right to free will, and have a better quality of life. One of the large components to the opposition is that it is not the physicians job to end someones life that physicians are supposed to heal not kill. In contrast to this point, physicians are already familiar with facilitating the death of their patients. Currently all 50 states of America have the right to refuse treatment and be allowed to die. Also all American citizens have the right to be taken off of life support. The only difference between this and assisted suicide is that the patients may go through immense amount of pain by refusing treatment. Another counter to assisted suicide is that it goes against the hippocratic oath. The hippocratic oath is a 2,400 year old document and is it really appropriate standard of evaluation. Modern medicine and technology have already violated the oath by perform ing surgery. The hippocratic oath states one should never cut for stone and to use the knife on a patient. This part of the 2,400 year old oath is completely violated by todays medical procedures, but these medical procedures, such as surgery are required to help the suffering of the patients. Also Dr. Michael J. Strauss states Though many people assume that the oath is still taken, it is rarely administered in its original form, if at all showing the hippocratic oath is not even used in todays medicine. Dr. Robert Olvera also explains The oath also directs physicians, including me, to help the sick. So a modern interpretation of the oath might be: Do what is right for the patient. The inconsistency provided by the hippocratic oath are one of the reason why we can not use the 2,400 year old document to deny the right of assisted suicide to terminally ill patients. Another argument made by the opposers is that physician assisted suicide will lead to a slippery slope. Slippery slope i s by permitting doctors to help certain patients end their lives, members of some groups may die in disproportionately large numbers and may lead to discrimination in the hospital. After analyzing the data in places where assisted suicide is legal the University of Utah found no real evidence of disproportionate cases of physician assisted suicide. Some argue that assisted suicide is the same as murder but the difference between assisted suicide and murder is that murder deprives the victim of meaningful life that they would have experienced, but physician assisted suicide is only used when the patients future holds nothing but additional suffering. Most of the counter arguments presented by the opposite side can be proven wrong or discredited, giving us more of a reason to support physician assisted suicide. In conclusion, I believe that terminally ill patients with the mental capacity to understand what they are doing should be given the right to physician assisted suicide. I believe this because assisted suicide gives terminally ill patients the chance to end their suffering when they want, have a better quality of life, supports free will, is accepted by ethical beliefs and has some benefits. As said by Socrates, Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Conflict Model Of The Eyes And Eyes - 2859 Words
Part One Rachel, Rachel is a film that depicts the life of Rachel Cameron, through the eyes and ears of Rachel Cameron herself. At thirty-five, she is a second grade teacher who lives with her widowed mother in the small town of Japonica, Connecticut. In this film, she divulges all, in which every thought, feeling, and desire she had is visible to the audience. This means the audience has access to private information about her (i.e., personal information that would normally be known only to her but ambiguous to everyone else). This allows for sufficient identification of a personality to be made. And so, the personality theory that best suits Rachel is the conflict model. Throughout the film, Rachel exhibits several defining traits that identifies with Otto Rank’s intrapsychic version of the conflict model. This theory revolves around the life and death instincts, in which conflict of self arises from the fear of life and the fear of death. In his conflict model of the personality the ory, Otto Rank suggests that there are three different peripheral personality types. Those three types include the artist, the neurotic, and the average person. The ideal personality type is the artist – the person who (1) accepts both the fear of life and the fear of death, (2) accepts both the inevitable pressure towards individuation and the unavoidable longing for union, and (3) achieves integration of the two. This typically includes people who show a high degree of differentiation andShow MoreRelatedCrime And The Justice System836 Words  | 4 Pagestreats illegal activities like a business), and high-tech crimes (cyber-crimes). The two most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal; one is called consensus model, and two is conflict model. Consensus model is the act in which it conflicts with the beliefs and values a society uphold taking diversity in consideration, but sees eye to eye on common grounds. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gay Marriage Should Be Legal - 1564 Words
What is marriage? Recently, people argue with respect to the definition of marriage. What happened to marriage? To get married is a very important event for almost everyone. Especially for women, marriage and giving a birth could be the two biggest events of their lives. Many people believe that getting married to the one whom he or she loves is natural. However, what do you think if you cannot get married to him or her because it is socially unacceptable? 100 years ago different colored people could not marry each other, or a Jew could not marry a Christian, now look how happy people are, marriage is based on love, between two people that truly love each other, regardless of sex and gender. Marriage is a basic human right for every individual and should not be denied to same-sex couples. Gay marriage should be legalized everywhere. According to the analysis of Two Gay Men Seeking Two Lesbians there are an estimated 30 million gay individuals in the population of China. Due to societal and familial pressures they keep their sexuality a secret and marry an individual of the other sex so they appear straight. However, in some cases both the man and the women are gay and they chose to marry each other and have an asexual relationship. The reason behind it is so they can still have a relationship with someone of the same sex but they have kids, a husband or wife and they are allowed certain rights that comes with marriage (Liu). I shared the main points of theShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legal1205 Words  | 5 PagesHoward Sociology 1301-93431 Gay Marriage Getting married is something that most people do when they find love, which it is an important event in their life. The GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) community now get the legal right of same-sex marriage, which they have fought fo r throughout the years; on the other hand, some opponents of same-sex marriage have called for a constitutional change towards it. Although there were some countries that allowed gay marriage before the United StatesRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1159 Words  | 5 PagesAmendment, which puts a ban on gay marriage. This amendment entitles to equal rights to the gay community, ending toleration of discrimination in jobs, rights protecting gays from hate crimes,rights allowing advancement in government. However, the concept of gay marriage is still not considered a right the American people should extend to homosexuals. II. The vast majority of opponents believe marriage should be between one woman and one man, meaning marriage should be between members of the oppositeRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1574 Words  | 7 Pagesequal rights. Gays and lesbians are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbian couples are denied the right to marry even if they are outstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop, because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizens too, who should be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples. Marriage is about love andRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legal?778 Words  | 3 PagesShould Gay Marriage Be Legal? â€Å"†¦I now pronounce you husband and wife†¦Ã¢â‚¬ One would normally hear this when attending a wedding. In tradition marriage has been between one male and one female who love each other. But how would one feel if they heard â€Å"I now pronounce you groom and groom†or how about â€Å"†¦bride and bride...†? In the last 50 years the number of same-sex couples has increased. The on-going argument between the government and the people is â€Å"Should gay marriage be legal?†Although some sayRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1126 Words  | 5 PagesJune 26, 2015 for gay marriage to be legal in all fifty states, thirty seven out of the fifty and Washington D.C already legalized gay marriage. Many support gay marriage and many do not, with widespread values and reasons for and against it. Due to religion and rights people across the nation have differing views and opinions of it.In a five to four vote in the Supreme Court gay marriage becam e legalized in all fifty states. Shortly after that a few marriage officiators and marriage licenses peopleRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1179 Words  | 5 PagesGAY MARRIAGES Some states such as Iowa legalized gay marriage through the action of judicial interpretation based on the state’s constitutional stipulations while other states such as Vermont legalized gay marriage through legislation initiatives. These cases demonstrate the government is the sole body that can dictate the validity of whatever is to be regarded as a marriage, and in this case gay marriage. The power to validate marriage is still observed among the private citizens, religious institutionsRead MoreThe Gay Marriage Should Be Legal947 Words  | 4 PagesDefending Gay Marriage During the last few years, homosexuality has become an important issue for debate. Moreover, homosexuals have taken their case further by claiming their right to marry. Same-sex marriage, usually known as â€Å"gay marriage†, is the marriage between two people from the same biological sex (Doskow1). Since 2000, eleven countries have approved the legalization of gay marriage worldwide: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, ArgentinaRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1480 Words  | 6 PagesNew World Dictionary defines the word married as being husband and wife, yet there are millions of gay activists who are fighting for a new meaning. They believe marriage is more than a piece of paper and a set of rings. The hope is that marriage could be defined as a â€Å"public recognition of a private commitment†or â€Å"emotional, financial, and psychological bond†between two people (Sullivan 53). Gay activists belie ve that taking away the ability to have a publicly recognized relationship or an acceptedRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1351 Words  | 6 Pageshappened for United States, gay marriage became legal in all 50 states. In most states it already was but the remaining 13 became legal this year. There are many concerns regarding gay marriage, and the effects of them involve many legislative, cultural, religious and family issues. Gay marriage is controversial because a lot of people do not approve of it, they think it is immoral, unnatural, and not what the traditional concept of â€Å"marriage†really means. Opponents of gay marriage say it is only meantRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal925 Words  | 4 PagesGay Marriage jenisea Phoenix Community College Gay Marriage What if you met someone and fell deep in love? What if they meant everything in the world to you? Wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to make them happy? What if i told you that you couldn’t? and that no matter how much you showed someone that you are meant to be that you couldn’t marry them? Wouldn’t that tear you apart inside?. â€Å"The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Project Management Performance and Value †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Project Management Performance and Value. Answer: Intrduction: There are a number of different tools for the purposes of measurement of the performance such as the organisational and the employee performance evaluations. There are many that are considered to be the part of the enterprise systems and then there are some for the standalone programs. The development of the metrics of the performance usually includes the following: Establishment of some of the critical processes along with the customer requirements Identification of the specific and the quantifiable outputs of work Establishment of the targets against which the results could be scored There are many of the attributes that prove to be useful when it comes to the assessment of the employee and the quality of the management. Among others, there is cost effectiveness. It is defined as the outcome which is divided by the input and then signifies the efficiency of the performance of the organisation (PM solutions, 2017). Improvement in the effectiveness of the employees. It is termed as being the continuous process wherein the managers and the employees come together and join hands and monitor and review the objectives for which they are working. The work objectives are reviewed and the overall contribution to the organisation is also reviewed (HR council, 2017). The measurement of the business performance is of an utmost importance and has a variety of uses such as monitoring and controlling of the costs, driving improvement, maximise in the effectiveness of the improvement efforts, achievement of the alignment with the goals and the objectives of the organisation and rewarding and disciplining the management. One of the scholars views the measurement of the business as being the tool used for balancing the 5 major tensions that exists within the company. The tensions include the balancing, of the profit, growth and control, balancing of the results that are short term in nature set as against the long term capabilities along with the various growth opportunities, balancing the opportunities and the attention, balancing the different motives of the human behaviour and balancing the different expectations of the different constituencies. The different ways through which the performance could be measurement through the way of cost effectiveness include the balanced scorecard, activity based costing, economic value added method, quality management, the analysis of the customer values, action profit linkage model. The reference models include the supply chain management and the development of the new product (Semantics scholar, 2017). References: Hrcouncil.ca. (2017).Performance Management | Keeping the Right People | HR Toolkit | hrcouncil.ca. [online] Available at: https://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/keeping-people-performance-management.cfm [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017]. pdfs.semanticscholar.org. (2017).Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures. [online] Available at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f311/b46229f7e81fbf289ed2548aace868ec3610.pdf [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017]. www.pmsolutions.com. (2017).Measures of Project Management Performance and Value. [online] Available at: https://www.pmsolutions.com/audio/PM_Performance_and_Value_List_of_Measures.pdf [Accessed 28 Aug. 2017].
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Process Essay Example
Process Essay Romance14 October 2010 Sneaking Out Most teenagers know that sneaking out is key when it comes to the end of the week especially since parents are getting stricter and grounding a lot more. On the weekends, teenagers hang loose, party, relax, and just try to have fun, unfortunately, most parents do not understand. Teenager’s number one goal is to not get caught, therefore hey put a lot of thought in to this process. Even though most of the time teens do get caught in the act, every teenager should know at least one way of sneaking out of the house. Every teenager should know at least one way of sneaking out of the house. Teens put a lot of thought in to sneaking out, they must consider their area situation, disciese themselves, take chances, and be prepared. Most importantly is sneaking back in. As teens put a lot of thought into sneaking out, their number one goal is to not get caught. First, the teen needs to have an emergency excuse ready, in case the teen does get caught. Second, they must remember what time they’re parents usually go to bed, or if they have to stay up late to finish some paperwork etc. Teenagers should remember two important things before sneaking out. One, they need to stuff soft, bulky items, such as stuffed animals, clothes, etc. under their covers to show that the teen is safe and sound in bed. Two, if they do sneak out at night and leave a door or window unlocked, you leave they’re parents home vulnerable to a home-invasion robbery/break-in. The lives of they’re family could be in jeopardy. Anyway, let’s say they’re parents are sound aslee p. The first step would be figuring out how the teenager would get out of their room. An important factor in getting out of the room would be where the room even is, whether it’s downstairs, upstairs or on the main floor. If the room is upstairs, you either would go out the window with a roof, or a tree to climb down. We will write a custom essay sample on Process specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Process specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Process specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They could also go down the stairs and to one of the doors. It’s easier to go out the window, but noise is key. The teen can’t wake up their parents, or any of their siblings in order not to get caught. If the room is downstairs, then its as easy as going out the front door, though sometimes parents have a security system installed in case of a break in, or to even prevent teens in sneaking out. The teen could also go out another door, like the back. Say the parents do have a security system; the teen has no choice but to go out a window carefully and quietly. The teen needs to make sure and have a friend meet them down the block so the lights of the car in the drive way doesn’t bother the parents, and gets the teen caught. After getting out of the house, getting back in is also very tricky, and most important. In order to complete a mission in sneaking out, the teen must get out and get back in without getting caught, that’s the point. After the teen feels successful in getting out, they go out and have fun. When they arrive back home,they need to come in the same way they got out. If the teen came out the window, they should have cracked it and left it semi-open to re-enter the home. If there is any light on in the house, and the teen is sure that they have gotten caught, they need to call home immediately and used their emergency excuse for a cover up. If not, the teen would re- enter the home through the middle floor window in this case. Once the teen is back in his or her room, they must clean up anything that may put them in jeopardy in getting caught. The teen needs to get in bed, and go straight to sleep. If the teen would want to wash their face, take a shower, etc. , they may get themselves caught, so the recommendation for that would be not to do it. Finally, the teen makes it home, safe and sound without getting caught. Most teenagers know that sneaking out is key when it comes to the end of the week especially since parents are getting stricter and grounding a lot more. On the weekends, teenagers like to just have fun and stay out with their other friends, unfortunately, most parents do not understand this concept. Teenager’s number one goal is to not get caught; therefore they put a lot of thought in to this process. Most teens do get caught, but every American teenager should know at least one way of sneaking out of their house.
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